Dhruv S Breakthrough Magnet School North
UHSSE Sophomore, Jordan Shelton-Smith
HPS Hartford Cup Soccer Attendance Challenge
School Choice Real World Ready graphic
Superintendent Update - December 15, 2023
Kinsella's Container of Sharks poster detail
Hartford' Slow Street Pilot Project Detail
Superintendents Message 12/8/23
FACES Community Conversation
City of Hartford Toy Drive news header image
Superintendent Message 12/1/23
Edita Guster of SMSA
Hartford Board of Education with CT State Commisisoner of Education news header
Bulkeley High School swim team fall 2023
Family Engagement at Rawson School
images of garden veggies and eggs
collage of photos of staff and students
HPHS students in the cast and crew of Enough!
Superintendent Message 11/17/23